Nevada Brothels

If you’ve heard about Las Vegas than you are most likely curious about brothels. It’s like traveling to Amsterdam and thinking “Red Light District.” 

There are many brothels in Nevada. But they are not in Las Vegas. Prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas, but 60 miles west of Las Vegas you can find a brothel in a town called Pahrump. It’s quite a drive away from downtown Las Vegas.  

There you can find legal brothels. Although, the Nevada brothels are not as charming as the red light district in Amsterdam. 

About Brothels

There is only one state in the U.S.A Where prostitution is allowed, and that state is Nevada. Out of the 17 counties only six allow it. 

Nevada brothels have been allowed in NV since the 20th century. 

Here’s a list of brothels in Nevada:

– Chicken Ranch

– Love Ranch

– Bunny Ranch

– Sheri’s Ranch

What Happens At A Brothel?

Upon arrival at a brothel, you’ll be greeted by women in an area where you can “choose.” You can choose the lady you would like to have relations with. Unfortunately, you won’t be the only man there. You will most likely enter the room with a group of men (which is not fun). 

This is not the experience you thought you were going to have. If you don’t decide to have fun straight away, you can go to a bar with your lady. 

Brothel Services

Brothels with registered brothel prostitutes require frequent tests for various diseases. Everything from HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea, are mandatory for going to the bedroom. The brothel can be shut down if they don’t comply. 

Cost Of A Brothel

The costs of a brothel depend on where you go and the service. Thousands of dollars are spent are spent at these establishments. If this is something you’re going to do, be prepared to spend $2000 and up.

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